
Strаy Cat Brings Her Kittеns To Mеet The Wоman Who Hеlped Her

Animals tend to always have a very emotional way to show gratitude to everyone who was kind to them. The way this stray cat decided to thank the woman who helped her when in need couldn’t had been different!

Last summer, while enjoying a quiet sunny day in her backyard Montreal, Canada, Lisianne had spotted some movement in the bushes. Naturally, the woman went to investigate and when she got close enough some big black eyes were starring at her. There was an adorable fluffy cat hidden in her backyard. Assuming she may be hungry, Lisianne rushed inside and brought something to eat and a bowl with water.

The woman initially thought, the majestic creature could some neighbors’ cat, but since she didn’t had any collar attached, she could’t knew. However, after a couple of days, seeing the black cat is still wondering on her backyard, Lisianne learned she’s actually a stray kitty. But that didn’t stopped the kind woman to feed her furry visitor. On contrary, everyday she left food and water on her porch for Usagi, how she named the cat. From that to a lovely friendship was only a small step and the two have become some great friends.

“This lady with a big heart for this cause was watching her, she put food and water in order to help her,” Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a local rescue group wrote on Facebook. “With this routine, the lady gained confidence and the kitty started getting close.”

By the time, the woman noticed Usagi’s belly was getting bigger and it wasn’t the food to be blamed. The stray cat was pregnant and from that point Lisianne took care of her of her, even more. When time came, Usagi gave birth to her babies, but she continued to visit her human friend who continued to feed her.

“The kitty gave birth outside, but she came back every day to eat!”

One day, when Usagi returned to Lisianne’s family for food, she brought some extra visitors with her. Usagi and a bunch of her mini-me versions took over Lisianne’s porch. The woman was so surprised and happy to see the cat she was taking care of and her six kittens at her doorstep. Without a second thought, Lisianne welcomed them all inside!

“She brought her six babies back and she set up her nest at the lady’s house,” the post reads. “Their good fairy decided to help this little family and they secured them home in a room. The mom and her six babies were finally safe.”

The cute little kittens were about 5-6 weeks old and they were all in a pretty good shape. However, Lisianne called the local rescue group Chatons Orphelins Montréal to help her with the kittens. “The babies were reserved, they needed socialization,” the rescue group said. “They started trusting and coming out of their shell. The little ones love having fun together.”

Since such a story could only end one way, the faithful Usagi ended up being adopted by Lisianne. One of the kittens was also adopted by one of Lisianne’s friends while the others are waiting to find some lovely humans to adopt them, too! “The five babies are the same, they were all tufts of black hair,” Chatons Orphelins Montréal said. “There were three females, Taylor, Tynie and Tyana, along with two males, Tales and Tito.”

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