Watсh This Kittеn Grоw Up with a Pit Вull

Bubba the Pit Bull was rescued by Rebecca when he was just 3 months old.

He’s always loved being in the company of cats so when the time was right for the family Rebecca looked for a kitten to adopt.

When Rebecca first came across Rue she was only 7 weeks old, but she really caught Rebecca’s eye.

This tiny kitten had almost identical coloring to Bubba and Rebecca thought this would make them a good match, she certainly wasn’t wrong.

For the first few hours after taking Rue home Bubba sat very still watching Rue climb all over Rebecca.

He knew immediately how delicate she was and that he had to be gentle with her.

After a few hours of adjusting to her new home, Rue had no problem climbing on Bubba’s sleeping body and fell asleep herself.

They instantly connected and are now inseparable.

How fabulous to see this ‘odd couple’ growing up, playing, snuggling and napping together. Us humans should take a leaf out of their book.

Watch the video:

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