
Cat is Stunnеd to Disсover She Hаs Kittens on the Waу!

When Ulla was rescued off the streets, she was only one-year-old. Little did she know what life had in store for her, she was about to get the surprise of her life.

This cute tabby had been at the shelter for a couple of weeks when one of the staff noticed she had a bulge in her belly – and it was getting bigger!

Scroll down to see what happened when they took Ulla for a check up at the vet clinic.

When this young tabby cat was rescued off the streets and taken to the shelter, they realized it wasn’t the first time she’d been there.

She had previously arrived as a kitten, so it was a surprise to all that she had somehow made her way back there.

After a few weeks Tone Frank, a board member at the shelter, noticed that her belly was getting bigger and decided to take her for an ultrasound at the vet.

What happened next shocked everyone in the room, including Ulla! The ultrasound scan showed that she was pregnant.

“It was pretty amazing. I’ve never seen a cat get an ultrasound. We saw little kittens in her tummy.” said Frank.

In the pictures Frank took, we see Ulla turn her head to look at the ultrasound screen, then she she turns back to face him with a look of complete shock on her face.

And then, as if the news was just sinking in, she appears to let out a scream of horror.

It was thought that Ulla was carrying four to five kittens, as she was so far along in her pregnancy it was difficult to determine the number of heartbeats.

Luckily for Ulla, she has now been found a forever home and once her kittens are old enough they will be put up for adoption. Mother and children will all be spayed or neutered as per the shelter’s policy.

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