
Hеroic Man Brings Drоwning Kittеn Back To Life And Then Adоpts Her Too

This is the heartwarming story of a heroic man saving a tiny, fluffy life.

One day, heavy rain plagued the city of Istanbul where Metin Keskin, a city worker was at.

Keskin, speaking to the Daily Sabah said that she was “unconscious, [she] wasn’t making any sound.”

So Keskin, being the kind human he is, knelt down and tried CPR on the tiny white kitty.

He massaged her body to help get the water out of her lungs while breathing a few gentle breaths into her mouth.

Thankfully for us, this amazing moment was captured on video:

After some tense moments, the poor kitten let out a soft ‘meow,’ and everyone around her breathed out a sigh of relief.

She was rushed to the local animal hospital where she could fully recover.

But this wasn’t the last time Keskin would ever see the kitty he revived, far from it actually.

“[She’s] become our kitten now,” he told reporters at a press conference at the animal hospital soon after the cat’s rescue. “I’m so happy.”

What a beautiful story!

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