Mаn Sаvеd Kittеn He Sаw Fаll Frоm a Bridgе

A year ago a man was walking by a river in japan when he saw a tiny kitten fall from a bridge.

He immediately ran to the spot and found the kitten was alive and cowering in the bushes that had broken her fall.

When he picked up the kitten, who was obviously very scared, he realised that her back legs were paralysed. The only thing to do was to take her home and get medical attention.

And just in the nick of time as the next day the river burst it’s banks and the little kitten would have been washed away.

He decided to call the little calico Nene and gave her round the clock attention to get her on the road to recovery.

She began to regain her strength when she was introduced to the other cat in the family.

Uzu, a friendly ginger who was also a rescue cat, came to say hello and soon the two were firm friends.

As Nene grew stronger she started to regain the use of her back legs. With the muscles getting stronger every day she began to walk again.

A year down the line and she’s a completely different cat and it just shows what a little love and attention can do to change a life forever.

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