Тhis Mаn Hatеd Cаts Until He Mеt Onе Kittеn Thаt Сhanged Нis Lifе!

An Imgur user by the name of TakaBaka always considered himself a cat hater. Awhile back, he had been diagnosed with PTSD after working as a paramedic and firefighter. He wasn’t able to sleep without having nightmares and he often imagined terrible things happening around him. The residual trauma soon began to wreak havoc in his private life. He simply couldn’t cope, turned to drinking and ruined many relationships in a downward spiral.

While at a party one night, he didn’t realize his life was about to change completely after one of his friends offered to give him a kitten.

“Hey, my friend has kittens, they’re free! You should take one,” he remembered his friend saying. He did accept the offer and took the kitty home, stopping off at a pet store for much needed supplies. Once at home he decided to name the kitty Shiro and googled what he needed to know about caring for a kitten.

He said that Shiro really helped him through this difficult time and wants to encourage others to listen more carefully to people suffering from PTSD or depression.

In the end, Shiro trulyy helped TakaBaka overcome his demons. it appears that this little white kitty came along at just the right time.

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