10 Simрle Suggеstions To Hеlp Eхtend Yоur Cаt’s Life

The life expectancy of your average cat is just about 15 years. Indoor cats seem to live a few more years due to better conditioning and health care. In order to ensure that your cat lives a longer life, you must take care of its heath. Here are 10 suggestions – different measures one may take to ensure healthy and long life of their cats!

1. Water Consumption Is Extremely Important!


2. Cats Do Need to Exercise

Keeping your kitty lean and in good shape and health is another contributing factor to giving your cat a long and healthy life. Overweight kitties are more prone to a number of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, skin disease, respiratory disease.

3. Groom Your Kitty On A Regular Basis

Though cats naturally groom themselves for literally hours each day, indoor cats especially may end up with extra hair that then shows up in hairballs. Regular grooming will definitely cut down on excess hair both in your house and in your cat’s stomach.

4. Note Any Behavioral Changes In Your Cat

Cats are certainly creatures of habit, and even a tiny change in behavior could indicate a potentially life-threatening health issue.

5. Be Sure All of Your Cat’s Vaccinations Are Up-to-Date

One sure-fire way of increasing the life expectancy of your fur-baby is to make sure that your pet has all of the required vaccinations.

6. Do Your Best To Keep Your Cat’s Teeth Clean


7. Be Aware Of Too Much Weight Loss

On the flip-side, weight loss may also be a symptom of a serious health condition.

8. Do Not Allow Your Cat to Become Obese!

Although you may love to feed your pet with the best of food very often to show him your love, you may also want to think twice before over-feeding them. An obese cat is much more prone to such diseases as diabetes, arthritis and cardiac arrest, which eventually shortens their life expectancy. You may also play with your pet whenever you can so that it burns out the excess calories.

9. Keep Your Kitty Indoors


10. Regular Veterinary Visits Are A Must!

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