Evеn Mоre, Thаn Foоd This Wonderfullу Fluffу Cat Adоres Onе Thing

Nala, the cat, is extraordinarily fluffy. She looks like a mix of a Norwegian Forest Cat and a Maine Coon. Nothing makes her happier than playing in the snow on a snowy day.

She requests to go outdoors when it snows (they allow her out into the house’s courtyard), where she may play for hours.

According to her owner, the snow just drives her crazy. When she is near the entrance of the house in snowy weather, she does not want to go inside, he said.

When she feels like playing snowballs, she leans against the door to let her hosts know she’s inviting them to join her. Her owner observes that she is clearly seeking their companionship, and it is evident that she needs more assistance than simply opening the door for her.

They readily accept. She can contact them 5-6 times a night on snowy days!


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