Two orphaned kittens found a brother from another mother who not only looks like them but loves them like family.
Meet Brixton, Genevieve!
It was back in November 2016 when Aurelie Vanderhoek, founder of Zoey’s Place Rescue (in Long Beach, California), learned about some kittens needing help on a property in Anatheim, California.
“One kitten kept showing up and seemed in bad shape so a crew started to putting trapping plans together,” Vanderhoek told us.
Suddenly, two little kittens found their way into the rescuers’ traps. Their mother was nowhere in sight, and the tiny fur buddies clearly needed a lot of help. Zoey’s Place Rescue was able to take them in when a volunteer offered to foster them.
They gave the kittens a much-needed bath after the rescue. Little Brixton was wrapped up like a tiny purrito.
Genevieve purred up a storm in her foster mom’s arms.
“A couple of days later, a third kitten was trapped and went to what we thought were his siblings,” Vanderhoek told us.
They named him Jared, and he started purring by the touch.
Jared looked just like the other two kittens they took in earlier in the week, so they brought him to “reunite” with the other two, thinking they were from the same litter.
Little Brixton and his sister shared a stark resemblance to Jared.
Turns out, the third kitty is about one month older. By the time they noticed it, the two little fur babies had already snuggled up to their new big brother and formed a beautiful bond. “Brixton and Genevieve were about five weeks and Jared was almost three months old,” Vanderhoek told us.
The three kittens cuddled up in a purr pile, and Jared as the big brother began to look after his two adopted siblings.
Brixton came down with an illness that was fatal to small kittens. Genevieve and Jared really missed their little brother when he was rushed to the vet. “Brixton was immediately diagnosed with Panleuk and my heart just dropped… We reached out to our rescue community and combined everyone’s recipe for success and immediately put a 72h protocol in place for all 3 as although, not everyone was showing signs, it was only a matter of time given their age.
Thanks to their foster mom April Burt’s tireless daily care, these three babies made it through despite their age and after a strict 60 quarantine, they are officially symptoms free,” Vanderhoek told us.
Jared was so happy to have his brother back that he snuggled up to him to offer some comfort.
The big brother cuddling with his two tinier siblings in a laundry hamper. Jared is like their protector, watching over them and giving them all the healing purrs and snuggles.
It’s been three months since the kitties came to Zoey’s Place Rescue. The two tinier kittens have caught up in size as their brother Jared.
The three kitties have come a long way, and now can’t wait to find a place to call their own.
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