A Kittеn Follоws Cat to Her Hоme and Doеsn’t Wаnt to Leаve

Stray cats like nothing more than to find a loving home where they can live safely. It’s too dangerous outside, but sadly, thousands of cats end up living their full life on the streets. Not this one, however.

Alice McColl noticed a cat hanging around the neighborhood and decided to put food and water outside so it can eat. A few days later, the cat came back with two kittens. Alice was heartbroken seeing the mom and babies living outside. She decided to call a shelter for help, but until they arrived, only one kitten remained. The mother and other kitten went missing and Alice never saw them again.


Left Alone

At that point, she knew that the kitten needed all the help it can get. She continued caring for it and it found a home on her porch. Alice had another cat at home, Otley, so she couldn’t take it in. One day while Otley was outside, she spotted the kitten. It was scared at first, but then started following the cat wherever he went.



Otley didn’t seem to mind at all. As a matter of fact, he enjoyed the company. In just a short time, Otley befriended the poor kitty, and Alice picked it up home. After a session of cleaning and a plate of food and water, the kitten fell asleep. Alice named it Birdie, and it was happy to be home.


Birdie grew quickly and has been Otley’s shadow since the beginning. She simply adores him and he loves the attention. Otley has taken the big brother role seriously, showering the kitten with love every day.

You can take a look at the cute buddies in the video below. Warning: cuddles and love await ahead!

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