
Straу Kittеn Deсides to Adoрt a Man and Jumрs Right intо His Arms

While Dan Yavetz was heading to his local bank in Maryland, he got distracted by something before he reached the doors.

He heard a little meow coming from underneath one of the vehicles that was parked outside the bank.

He got down on the ground and spotted a little kitten hiding so he called out to her. She was obviously a brave little thing because she ran out to him and immediately jumped into his arms.

“Instead of having to coax her out and work on her, she ran out right away, and I grabbed her, and she started purring and was really comfortable,” Dan explained. “She was a beautiful-looking baby cat.”

There was an animal Hospital in the nearby shopping centre so Downs thought that she must’ve escaped from there. He took her over and asked if anybody was missing a cat, but nobody claimed her.

One of the staff checked to see if she had a microchip but no, it appears this cat belongs to no one. So Dan took the kitty back to the gas station where he worked as he needed to finish off his day.

On the way home in the car she either sat on his shoulder or in the passenger seat, and did not appeared to be worried about the journey.

As Dan already had two cats he knew that he needed to find this delightful kitten a forever home of her own. It was going to be difficult as he’d already become attached to her.

Then his eight-year-old daughter told him that one of her friends was looking to adopt a cat into their family: “It’s the best of both worlds, said Dan.  “Not only did I find a good home for this cat, but we’re always going over there for the kids to hang out, so I get to see her a lot, too.”

The family named her Lily and she loves her new life. Every time Dan pops by for a visit he can see that she is very happy.

This little kitten was hiding under a car waiting for the right person to come along and rescue her. She must’ve known that Dan would be the right person for the job!

Here’s the video of when they first met:

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