Sаd Cat Resсued From the Strеet Gets Hapрiness Baсk into His Beаutiful Eуes

What ever their situation is, all cats deserve a good home. So it’s good to know that there are plenty of kind people out there that will go the extra mile to ensure a better life for the cats they have rescued.

A kind lady called Marie-Eve, from Montreal, is one such person. She spotted a kitty in her neighborhood and knew she had to help.

He looked as if he’d been fending for himself and living an outdoor life for quite some time.

The poor thing was covered in dirt with matted fur and was obviously in pain. The sadness that was in his eyes nearly broke her heart.

So she took it upon herself to get kitty off the streets. It was obvious to Marie-Eve that he’d not had much human company because she found it difficult to catch him.

He avoided the trap that she had set up for nearly three weeks until he became so hungry that he couldn’t resist the food any more.

She eventually managed and Marie-Eve breathed a big sigh of relief. She tried to find him a space at one of the shelters but none were available, so she took him to the vet for treatment.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal intervened and offered to foster the kitty and provide additional medical attention along with rehabilitation.

He was covered in war wounds including a large abscess on his cheek. His ears were frostbitten so they knew that he’d spent at least one winter outside.

It appears that Marie-Eve saved him in the nick of time as the vet said he wouldn’t have been able to survive another winter on his own.

They named him Marcel and once at his foster home he was showered with love and attention.

He soon came out of his shell and began to trust the people surrounding him and before long was asking for cuddles.

Life now was so different to the one he had before Marie-Eve rescued him from the street.

Two months after he was rescued, Marcel was adopted into a loving forever home. The sadness that was seen in his eyes had completely vanished, now they are filled with joy.

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  1. So many cats need homes, they have nothing but love to give. They feel just like we feel.

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