Meеt Sila the blaсk kitten! She fell intо a bаrrel of enginе oil and was resсued by wоrkers in the niсk of time

Meet Sila the black kitten! She fell into a barrel of engine oil and was rescued by workers in the nick of time.

It was unsure how Sila found her way into this workplace and fell into a barrel of oil but luckily staff were nearby and rescued her as soon as they heard her cries.

This eight week old kitten was covered in used engine oil, the staff tried to wipe off the thick substance, but soon realized she was very weak and needed immediate help so they contacted Just Cats, in Longford, Tasmania, and someone rushed over to pick her up and she was given emergency care.

It was soon discovered that she had swallowed some of the engine oil, Just Cats director Rachel Beech explains: “It was a bit touch-and-go because often the outlook for cats who have ingested engine oil is not good, she had to have a lot of care.” But their biggest fear was that the oil could cause permanent damage to her liver, but amazingly, it appears to be functioning normally. “I placed her on a heat pack wrapped up in a blanket. Hours later I was amazed to find her responsive, her eyes moved to follow me and she was able to meow.”

This tiny kitten had been through so much in her short 8-week life, that her carers decided to call her Sila, which is Slovakian for ‘strength’.

Because of the oil Sila may temporarily lose her fur, but it is expected to grow back as she makes her full recovery. Sila has amazing determination for life and already requests have been pouring in to adopt her.

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