An Abаndoned Cute Blaсk Kitten Surрrisingly Found in a Lоndon Tubе

The cruelness of some people knows no boundaries. They throw cats and pups on the street probably because their heart is made of a block of ice. Luckily, there are just as many good Samaritans that save most of these animals.

Recently, a one-month old black kitten was spotted by a kind lady in a London tube she was riding for work. The kitten was all covered in gunk and obviously afraid in a tiny cardboard box. After some passengers reported the case to the Blue Cross, the kitten was saved and named Victoria after the line she was found on.

After a quick vet check-up and some cleaning, it was obvious that the kitten is a real beauty. They fed her and gave her some water, then she was off for an early night. Since Victoria is young, she needs proper care and will soon be transferred to a foster home.

Considering how cute the kitten is and that it’s in perfect shape, we’re sure she won’t have trouble finding a new home. Preferable one where the owner won’t abandon her.

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