Kittens Dreаm of Being Adoрted in a Wаrm Home; Theу Finally Get Thеir Wish

You know how sometimes your dreams can come true if you dream them long enough? Well, cats have dreams too. Some dream of catching their tail, while others have sadder dreams of a loving home. Two cats have recently been spotted by a rescuer in North Carolina working on a trap-neuter-return project. They were always together on the cold streets looking inside warm homes, probably dreaming of being inside together.

They were in luck – heavy snowfall hit the area, and the staff transported the kittens to the shelter. After a vet check-up, it was clear that they were in perfect health condition. They were aged four and seven months. Spencer is the younger and livelier kitten, while 7-month old Gus is calmer. They lit the place up as soon as they arrived in the shelter.


The staff decided to transport them in a single container. They were happier that way. The two kittens cleaned each other and were pretty content they were fed and in a warm place. What the staff also noticed is that they share an unbreakable bond. They never leave their side and like to sleep together.


After a week or so, they were put in a foster home. Cleaned of worms and fleas, it won’t take long before they’re adopted. The two kittens will finally reach their dreams – a warm home with a loving parent and a belly full of food. What more can a cat want?


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