
My Cаts Adoрted A 3-Lеgged Puppу Whоse Mоm Triеd To Eаt Him

I’ve met Nicolas when he was over a week old, he was the smallest of a litter of 8 pitbulls and for some strange reason his mum ate 3 of his siblings and was in the process of eating him.

She got to chew his paw off, but someone was able to take him away from her and somehow I ended up taking care of this tiny bundle of fur.

He was super tiny and without his mum to care for him and with his injury he didn’t have a good prognosis. But after days of 24/7 care with lots of help from my cats and my other 5 dogs he turned into a lovely dog. So I wanted to show a bit of our journey.

I’ve met Nicolas when he was over a week old


Nicholas mum ate three of his siblings and was in the process of eating him when someone rescued him


Unfortunately, she got to chew his paw off, so he didn’t have a good prognosis


That’s when me and my cats started taking care of this tiny bundle of fur

My cats adopted him as their own


I fed him every 3 hours and changed his bandage everyday


The kittens really looked after him as well


He always ended up cuddling with them



Gladly, with constant care from me, my cats and my other 5 dogs he turned into a lovely dog!

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